Listen: Surprise The World 4 – 29/07/18
July 29, 2018
We want to be know for what we're for... and we are for Miramar! We want to see the beautiful Miramar Peninsula thriving - families, schools, businesses, the environment, individuals, sports groups, organisations! We want to support, care for, come alongside, champion, cheerlead, encourage, lift up, pray for, journey with and celebrate the incredible people and communities that make up Te Motu Kairangi.
Check out our For Miramar vision video.
We offer a range of programmes, services and activities - check out how we are for kids, families, young people and all people through the other parts of this site or pop into our office or church to chat to us in person.
We hope everything we do is motivated by our love for God and our love for people. We are a church whanau, a group of people, that offers a place to belong, that welcomes all people and wants to journey with everyone. We are for Miramar, and we are for you!
Please get in touch if there are practical ways we can be for you or if you'd like to partner with us here on the Peninsula!
July 29, 2018
July 22, 2018
July 15, 2018
July 8, 2018